WWF Wrestling Challenge - May-28 2024 (Show History)

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Match Card

696. Tag Team Semi A: The Hart Foundation vs. Twin Towers vs. New Age Outlaws vs. Mega Powers

697. Tag Team Semi B: The Islanders vs. The Brain Busters vs. Money Inc. vs. The Rockers

698. Tag Team #1C Final: --no spoilers--

699. InterCon #1C Elims: Nikolai Volkoff vs. Superstar Billy Graham vs. Doink the Clown vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Barry Horowitz vs. Adorable Adrian Adonis vs. Dusty Rhodes vs. Pedro Morales

700. World #1C Quarter A: Randy "Macho Man" Savage vs. Jesse "the Body" Ventura

701. World #1C Quarter B: Kurt Angle vs. Tony Atlas

702. World #1C Quarter C: Yokozuna vs. Bret "Hitman" Hart

703. World #1C Quarter D: Honky Tonk Man vs. Bad News Brown

704. World #1C Semi A: --no spoilers--

705. World #1C Semi B: --no spoilers--

706. World #1C FINAL: --no spoilers--