WWF Superstars of Wrestling - Aug-06 2024 (Show History)

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Match Card

801. World 4Way Qual F: Shawn Michaels vs. Nikolai Volkoff vs. Harley Race vs. Pedro Morales

802. Tag Team Qual F: New Age Outlaws vs. The Headshrinkers

803. InterCon Qual G: Razor Ramon vs. Batista

804. Tag Team Qual G: The Rock 'n' Sock Connection vs. The Conquistadors

805. World 4Way Qual G: Barry Horowitz vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Ted Arcidi vs. Mr. Perfect

806. InterCon Qual H: Doink the Clown vs. Ken Patera

807. Tag Team Qual H: The Killer Bees vs. Young Stallions

808. World 4Way Qual H: S.D. Jones vs. Kamala vs. Bruno Sammartino vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan