WWF SummerSlam - Aug-20 2024 (Show History)

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Match Card

820. Last Chance InterCon Elims: Tony Atlas vs. Tatanka vs. Paul "Mr. Wonderful" Orndorff vs. Superstar Billy Graham

821. Last Chance World Battle Royal: Corporal Kirchner vs. King Kong Bundy vs. Kurt Angle vs. Hercules Hernandez vs. Triple H vs. Pedro Morales vs. Mr. Perfect vs. S.D. Jones

822. Last Chance Tag Team 4Way: The Rockers vs. Young Stallions vs. The Natural Disasters vs. The Conquistadors

823. InterCon Championship: Brutus Beefcake (c) vs. Batista

824. Tag Team Championship: The Dream Team (c) vs. Twin Towers

825. World Championship: Bret "Hitman" Hart (c) vs. Dusty Rhodes