Random Dungeons & Dragons Scripts

I love D&D. I've made a bunch of random generators that aren't quite covered with other websites.

Dwarf City Generator

This generator uses the city generation logic from The Complete Book of Dwarves (1991 TSR Inc - ISBN: 1560761105).


Stronghold Type:Secondary
Age:2169 years old
Gov/Attitude:Guild Isolationist (LN)
Race:Hill (172)
SubRaces: --
Relations: Elves: Cautious
Gnomes: Cautious
Halflings: Indifferent
Humans: Hostile
War/Peace: Uneasy Peace 7 years (Last at War with: Orcs - Steady - 33 years)
Militia: Sword and spear (28)
Sword and light crossbow (21)
Axe and hammer (35)
Sword and polearm (14)
Axe and heavy crossbow (14)
Axe and mace (14)
Hammer and pick (14)
Fighter 4 (Leader) (1)
Machine - Ballista (1)
Machine - Grinder (1)
Machine - Masher (1)
Fighter 5 (Leader) (1)
Fighter 3 (Leader) (1)
War - Outcast (2)
Thi - Locksmith (1)
Pri - Crafts Priests (1)
Pri - Ritual Priest (1)
W/P - Champion (3)
Thi - Pest Controller (1)
W/T - Ghetto Figher (1)
War - Clansdwarf (2)
W/P - Temple Guard (1)
Pri - Patrician (1)
War - Rapid Response Rider (1)
W/P - Vindicator (1)
War - Battlerager (1)
War - Axe for Hire (1)
Thi - Entertainer (1)
W/T - Trader (1)