The Whitby Report – August 8, 2019

Today is Thursday, August 8, 2019. I am your host Stone and this is The Whitby Report.

Whitby is currently under a Severe Thunderstorm Watch. It’s raining currently, however, there is a risk of thunderstorms into the afternoon and evening. It’s currently 24°C, feeling like 32°C. We’ll remain at this temperature until later tonight. Keep the kids inside otherwise someone will probably call child services on you.

Local News
Sheridan Nurseries Receives 500 Units of Japanese Beetle Traps: Go Get Them NOW!

Stone’s Take
Honestly, there’s no real big news in Whitby today, however, the arrival of a new skid of Japanese Beetle traps is actually really great news. These little buggers are fornicating on my bushes and then once they’re done, they eat all the leaves! There are a ton of them in my bush (they’re worse than crabs) and in my neighbour’s bushes and tree: these beetles really get around.

You need to trap these pests now before the end of the summer where they’ll lay their eggs in the ground under your bushes. In the spring, those things will hatch and the cycle will begin again. Do us all a favour: if you have these beetles eating your bushes, go get a trap right now.