The Whitby Report – September 4, 2019

Today is Wednesday, September 4, 2019. I am your host Stone and this is The Whitby Report.

Once again I have missed the ball on doing a forecast. I made a trip to London, Ontario for the day to meet with a friend. He brought copious amounts of Cherry Coke!

Overall the weather was great in Whitby. It was a bit overcast when I left. London was very overcast and dreary, but such is life when you live in London. Arriving back home in Whitby, everything was pure sunshine. Such a welcoming feeling when you get back home from a bit of driving.

Local News
Wanted Man Arrested in Whitby. So this dude had gone to four different gas stations, filled up and then took off. In most places in Ontario, you get to fill up first and then go pay inside if you’re paying cash. I’ve been to a few places where you must pay first, regardless of credit or cash. I feel like people like this guy is why some gas stations choose to make you pay first.

The police also said they nabbed him for using stolen credit cards too. Yikes. They say he’s from “no fixed address”, so this immediately makes me think this man is desperate. He may no longer have the means to make ends meet or he knows he’s past that point, so he has nothing to lose. You can keep trying to help folks like this or you can give them the tools to help themselves.

I’m hoping this is the lowest of his lows and he has a better future.