The Whitby Report – October 21, 2019

Today is Monday, October 21, 2019. I am your host Stone and this is The Whitby Report.

The Garden Report
Today we had a great autumn day, hovering around 12°C for most of the day. We’ve pulled all the dead bush beans and made space for the radishes that showed some promise. We’re hoping the radishes will make it for another week or two but I’m not very hopeful; the weather has been dropping quickly and we’re close to getting another frost.

frost-bitten bush beans

Local News
Today is Canada’s Election Day. I’ve voted. I hope you vote, too. I don’t particularly care about WHO you vote for (well, I sort of do, but I’d prefer to keep things impartial here), just know that it’s very important for you to vote. Did you know that you are able to vote for “None of the Above”? They will count those as a vote.

Think of the places and people that cannot vote. Think of the people that want to vote but are facing a mammoth oppressive giant. Think of the people that get to vote for ONLY one candidate. I firmly believe that we should honour the people that died preserving our way of life in the wars of the past and vote. It can be argued that they died for the right to choose NOT to vote, I agree with that right to a degree, but I’ll always argue in favour of you voting.

Having read everything I could get my hands on, it appears Canada is headed to a Liberal minority government. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, however, it does mean that we’ll likely be going back to the polls in about 1.5 to 2 years from now. There are pros and cons to minority governments but they are a necessary part of democracy. Right now Canada isn’t sure what they want, the next few years should change that.