WWF Prime Time Wrestling - Apr-09 2024 (Show History)

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Match Card

635. IC Qual D: Ric Flair vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

636. World Qual C: Bob Backlund vs. Greg "the Hammer" Valentine vs. George "The Animal" Steele vs. Typhoon

637. Tag Qual D: Legion of Doom vs. Strike Force

638. IC Qual E: Brutus Beefcake vs. Hulk Hogan

639. World Qual D: Tito Santana vs. The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Haku vs. Ted DiBiase

640. Tag Qual E: Brothers of Destruction vs. The Conquistadors

641. IC Qual F: Mr. Perfect vs. Ravishing Rick Rude

642. World Qual E: One Man Gang vs. Bad News Brown vs. Jake "the Snake" Roberts vs. Outlaw Ron Bass