The SGWF uses WWE 2K23 to simulate matches. If you have this version of the game, you can create your own wrestler and then upload it.
Our POW (Player Owned Wrestler) guidelines are subject to change.
The Basics
All POWs are subject to approval by Stone before admittance to the federation. Rules on joining our federation can be found here: Once approved, please upload your POW to Community Creations with either the #stonegrasp or #sgwf hashtags.
If you do not own the game, please let us know as much as possible about your wrestler, so we can create it for you. Use the list below to create your wrestler and then send us the information via discord once you are given approval to join.
Wrestler Rules
Most of the items below should cover our rules governing POWs in relation to our simulation game.
- Body Height/Weight: Currently there are no limits on Height and Weight, however, please take care to select appropriate Body Types.
- AI Tendencies: There are no minimums or maximums here. Set these as per your wrestler’s style.
- Wrestler Attributes: All your attributes **should** be maxed out as that is what the majority of our wrestlers have done. There are maximums that you cannot exceed:
– Power Submission Offense: 60
– Technical Submission Offense: 60
– Body Durability: 60
– Arm Durability: 60
– Leg Durability: 60
– Power Submission Defense: 60
– Technical Submission Defense: 60
– Pin Escape: 60
– Stamina: 60
– Recovery: 50
– Special: 80
– Finisher: 80
Music Restrictions
Wrestler entrance music must be selected from Epidemic Sound. Songs cannot be selected by multiple wrestlers, so they will be handled on a first-come first-serve basis. Your wrestler’s music selection can be chosen (and changed) by posting in our #sgwf-music channel on discord.
You can view Wrestler and Tag Team music selections here: SGWF Music List.