SGWF Paragons - Nov-29 2024 (Match History)
Match History:
Scheduled Matches
7958. Four-Way (1-fall) Match: Col. Andres Rivera vs. Teddy King vs. Cowboy Curt Cunningham vs. Capt. Spaulding7959. Singles Match: Jinx vs. Candy Mandy
7960. Singles Match: Scarlett vs. Maddie Hunter
7961. Singles Match: Blob vs. Sebastian Van Cise
7962. DEBUT Match: Ned Flanders vs. The Large Lebowski
7963. Tag Team Match: RAND: Chris Redfield & Sephiroht vs. RAND: Karnage & Sora Kimura
7964. Singles Match: Arlandy vs. Maple Marksman
7965. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Angelina di Forte vs. Lilith Knight vs. The Baker
7966. Singles Match: Lady Red vs. Svetlana Borochiev
** Lady Red originally booked as Elizaveta Usov