The Vicious Circle ()

Tag Finisher: N/A
Total Combined Weight: 286 lbs

Match Results (Last 35 Days)

No matches in last 35 days.

Title History

Fun Facts

  1. They've been called the Mean Ones in the dressing room.
  2. They've formed a bond over their mutual troubled childhoods.
  3. They once had an accident with their hair dye dispenser and covered themselves head to toe in teal.


No accolades earned yet.

Match Stats

Falls by Member:
Kaycee Turner: 13 - 10
Suzie Machina: 11 - 9

Tag Team: 21-18-0
Win by: Pinfall: 8, Submission: 12, Count-Out: 1
Losses by: Pinfall: 13, Submission: 2, Count-Out: 3

Tornado Tag 3-Way (1-fall): 0-1-0
Losses by: Pinfall: 1

Tornado Tag 4-Way (1-fall): 0-0-1
No Falls: 1

Tornado Tag 3-Way (Elim): 1-0
Elims by: Submission: 1, Pinfall: 1

Tornado Tag Team: 1-0-0
Win by: Submission: 1

Match History (All Time)