Sugar 'n Spice (Paragons)

Tag Finisher: Back Suplex / Powerbomb Combo
Entrance: No More Laundry Cleaning
Total Combined Weight: 255 lbs

Current Titles

Match Results (Last 35 Days)

  • 7389. Jul-15 2024 - Galactic Wrestling - Tornado Tag 4-Way (1-fall): WIN (Ladder Clutch)

Title History

Fun Facts

  1. Between matches they teach dancing and baking classes.
  2. Can you guess which is the spicy one?
  3. Their favourite thing to do is karaoke.


No accolades earned yet.

Match Stats

Falls by Member:
The Baker: 67 - 42
Maddie Hunter: 57 - 50

Tag Team: 66-52-5
Win by: Submission: 32, Pinfall: 33, Count-Out: 1
Losses by: Pinfall: 40, Submission: 11, Count-Out: 1
No Falls: 1

Tornado Tag 3-Way (1-fall): 10-5-4
Win by: Pinfall: 5, Ladder Clutch: 1, Submission: 4
Losses by: Submission: 4, Pinfall: 1
No Falls: 1

Tornado Tag 4-Way (1-fall): 2-0-5
Win by: Ladder Clutch: 2
No Falls: 2

Tornado Tag 3-Way (Elim): 7-5
Elims by: Pinfall: 20, Submission: 4
Eliminated by: Pinfall: 9, Submission: 2, Table: 2

Tornado Tag Team: 11-5-1
Win by: Pinfall: 9, Submission: 2
Losses by: Pinfall: 4, Submission: 1
No Falls: 1

Tornado Tag 4-Way (Elim): 0-5
Elims by: Pinfall: 5, Knock Out: 2
Eliminated by: Pinfall: 7, Knock Out: 2, Submission: 1

Survivor Series (Tag Teams): 0-1
Elims by: Pinfall: 1
Eliminated by: Submission: 1, Pinfall: 1

Tag Team (Best 2 of 3 Falls): 1-2-0
Win by: Knock Out: 1
Losses by: Table: 2

Match History (All Time)