SGWF Eclipse - May-13 2023 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

6472. Four-Way (Elim) Match: Allure vs. Jesse vs. Rosie Rivera vs. Sakura Kai

6473. Tag Team Match: Extra Fried Crispy vs. The Jaded Pitbulls

6474. Singles Match: Madison Windraker vs. The Baker

6475. Singles Match: Stone vs. WynSum LooSum

6476. Tag Team Match: The Dominion vs. The Think Tank

6477. Singles Match: Baby Firefly vs. Maddie Hunter
Stipulations: No Holds Barred

6478. Tag Team Match: Nevermore vs. After School Special

6479. Four-Way (Elim) Match: Trish DiBiase vs. Furious Frankie vs. Adwoa the Eliminator vs. Claire Redfield

6480. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Capt. Spaulding vs. Chris Redfield vs. Jackson Payne

6481. Singles Match: Freeksho vs. K.Dangelo
Stipulations: Ladder Match

6482. Singles Match: Diamond Dave Tolos vs. Elbi Froggeh
** created by Froggeh2.

6483. Women's Internet Championship Match: Claire Redfield vs. Eden White (c)
** created by Atomskkn.