SGWF Nova - Nov-23 2024 (Match History)
Match History:
Scheduled Matches
7930. Tag Team Match: Money Inc vs. Sugar 'n Spice7931. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Zarana vs. Lunchbox Linda vs. Dani Weaver
7932. Singles Match: Kentucky Dave vs. Big Bad Bobby D
7933. Singles Match: Tough Guy Tim Doogan vs. Stone
7934. Singles Match: Sweet Paw vs. The Teacher
7935. Tag Team Match: RAND: The Baroness & Lilith Coo vs. Money Inc
7936. Singles Match: Gabriel Morgans vs. Damian Jade
7937. Singles Match: Freeksho vs. Butcher
7938. Singles Match: Alexia Nguyen vs. Furious Frankie
7939. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: George Costanza vs. Brummy vs. Marcus "Diamond" Azul