SGWF Nova - Dec-16 2024 (Match History)
Match History:
Scheduled Matches
8024. Singles Match: The Baker vs. Olive Oyl8025. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Lunchbox Linda vs. Trish DiBiase vs. Dani Weaver
8026. Singles Match: Tough Guy Tim Doogan vs. Marcus "Diamond" Azul
8027. Singles Match: Gabriel Morgans vs. Damian Jade
8028. Singles Match: Lilith Coo vs. Alexia Nguyen
8029. Tag Team Match: The Assassins vs. After School Special
8030. Singles Match: Big Bad Bobby D vs. George Costanza
8031. Singles Match: Butcher vs. Brummy
8032. Singles Match: Eden White vs. Sweet Paw
8033. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Kentucky Dave vs. Stone vs. Freeksho