SGWF Galactic Wrestling - Jan-24 2025 (Match History)
Match History:
Scheduled Matches
8149. Tag Team Match: RAND: Claire Redfield & Lady Red vs. RAND: Isabella Carrie & Zarana8150. Internet Gauntlet: Alex Samuels vs. Alexia Nguyen vs. The Baker vs. Eden White vs. Maddie Hunter vs. Marge Simpson vs. Sgt. Rosa Rivera vs. Zarana
8151. Internet Battle Royal: Tough Guy Tim Doogan vs. Stone vs. Big Bad Bobby D vs. Sebastian Van Cise vs. William Terrence Ford vs. The Large Lebowski vs. Pee Wee Herman vs. LightNinG StRikE
8152. Singles Match: George Costanza vs. Col. Andres Rivera
8153. Tag Team Match: S1NISTER MOON vs. Shadowstrike
8154. Singles Match: Butcher vs. Big Delicious
8155. Tag Team Match: The Family vs. Full Body Press
8156. Four-Way (1-fall) Match: Furious Frankie vs. The Baroness vs. Velvet Dove vs. Large Marge
8157. Internet Championship Match: -- No Spoilers --
8158. Women's Internet Championship Match: -- No Spoilers --