SGWF Nova - Jan-31 2024 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

7021. Tag Team #1C Quarter A: Nevermore vs. Coo & Oyl

7022. Canadian 3Way Match A: Capt. Spaulding vs. Butcher vs. Devon Fox

7023. Debut Match: Ned Flanders vs. Diamond Kazarian

7024. Internet Battle Royal: Maddie Hunter vs. Dani Weaver vs. Lilith Coo vs. Lunchbox Linda vs. Sarka Rose vs. Ali Morgan vs. Sgt. Rosa Rivera vs. Jackie Dylan

7025. Tag Team #1C Quarter A: The Dominion vs. Froggeh & Redfield

7026. SGWF #1C Match A: Eve the Prototype vs. Madison Windraker vs. Furious Frankie vs. Large Marge
Stipulations: Steel Cage

7027. Tag Team #1C Quarter B: The Poutine Pounders vs. The Family

7028. Canadian #1C Match A: Adwoa the Eliminator vs. Rosie Rivera vs. The Teacher

7029. Hello Kitty #1C Elims Match A: Col. Andres Rivera vs. Jackson Payne vs. Freeksho vs. Anthony Jindrak
Stipulations: Extreme Rules, Falls Count Anywhere

7030. Tag Team #1C Quarter B: Tell No Tales vs. The Dominion

7031. SGWF #1C Match A: Toasty vs. Dr. Bacon vs. Levistus vs. Elbi Froggeh
Stipulations: Steel Cage

7032. Women's Internet Championship Match: -- No Spoilers --