SGWF Paragons - Nov-16 2021 (Match History)
Match History:
Scheduled Matches
3839. Singles Match: Olive Oyl vs. Velvet Dove3840. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Nightmare Blackwell vs. WynSum LooSum vs. Hawk
3841. Singles Match: The Sarge vs. Chris Redfield
3842. Tornado Tag 3-Way (1-fall) Match: The Think Tank vs. Dance Revolution vs. The Central Committee
3843. Women's Poutine Case Triple Threat (Best 2 of 3 Falls) Match: Cassidy James vs. Sgt. Rosa Rivera vs. Furious Frankie (c)
Stipulations: Extreme Rules, Falls Count Anywhere
3844. Four-Way (1-fall) Match: Blitz Creeg vs. Dr. Bacon vs. The Swinger vs. Marshall Magnum
3845. Men's Universal #1 Contender Semi-Final Match B: Cowboy Curt Cunningham vs. Thomas the Tank
3846. Women's Internet Championship Match: Beverly Dynamite vs. Melissa Ewing (c)
3847. Scurvydog's "CAW of the Year" match: Dr. Jake Hill vs. Blob vs. Demon Tin Man
** created by Scurvydog00.
3848. Internet Championship Match: The Sarge vs. Eldrin the Butcher (c)
** created by Scurvydog00.
3849. Hello Kitty Championship Match: Cowboy Curt Cunningham vs. Thomas the Tank (c)
** created by TheDantemoon.