SGWF Titans - Dec-09 2024 (Match History)
Match History:
Scheduled Matches
7995. Singles Match: Pretty Boy Amario vs. The 9th Degree7996. Four-Way (1-fall) Match: Hannah Finch vs. Olive Oyl vs. Dante Moon vs. The Witch
7997. Singles Match: Big Delicious vs. Toasty
7998. Singles Match: Pretty Boy Amario vs. Toomas Wolfridge
7999. Singles Match: Reese Omega vs. Velvet Dove
8000. Tag Team Match: Gruesome Twosome vs. Fierce Ladies
8001. Singles Match: Devon Fox vs. Yuze
8002. Singles Match: Anthony Jindrak vs. Dr. Bacon
8003. Singles Match: Alex Samuels vs. Baby Firefly
8004. Four-Way (1-fall) Match: Diamond Kazarian vs. Vincent Johnson vs. Eldrin the Butcher vs. Toasty