SGWF Titans - Mar-27 2024 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

7086. Singles Match: Diamond Dave Tolos vs. Diamond Kazarian

7087. Tag Team Championship Semi-Final A: 5 Minute Majors vs. The Poutine Pounders

7088. Singles Match: Big Bad Bobby D vs. Percy Mochaccino III

7089. DEBUT MATCH: Ned Flanders vs. Teddy King

7090. Canadian Championship War Games:
Anthony Jindrak & Marcus "Diamond" Azul & Mighty Mite & Chris Redfield
Stone & Vincent Johnson & Toasty & Col. Andres Rivera

7091. Singles Match: Eldrin the Butcher vs. Dr. Bacon

7092. Singles Match: Toomas Wolfridge vs. Brummy

7093. Tag Team Championship Semi-Final B: The Family vs. Pretty Deadly

7094. Singles Match: Blob vs. Blitz Creeg

7095. Singles Match: Cowboy Curt Cunningham vs. William Terrence Ford

7096. Internet Championship Gauntlet: Butcher vs. Sephiroht vs. Capt. Spaulding vs. Marshall Magnum vs. The Dark Knight vs. Fantom vs. Cowboy Curt Cunningham vs. Sebastian Van Cise

7097. Singles Match: Marko Vujovic vs. Col. Andres Rivera