SGWF Eclipse - Jul-10 2021 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

2934. Debut Match: Mr. Fix It vs. Zoidberg

2935. Singles Match: WynSum LooSum vs. Ruinstrider

2936. Tag Team Match: Dance Revolution vs. Birds of Prey

2937. Debut Match: Scurvei Doggonev vs. Ned Flanders

2938. Singles Match: Hawk vs. The Blackhole Bandit

2939. Tag Team Match: The Pac Attack vs. Hidden Girth

2940. Debut Match: Babos Beefcake vs. Zoidberg

2941. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Dr. Bacon vs. Wise vs. Chris Redfield

2942. Singles Match: Calypso vs. Diana Jones
** created by CarrieBakess.

2943. Singles Match: Lew vs. Quinn

2944. Tag Team Match: Blue Thunder vs. The Infiltrators

2945. Boss Match (Chat Giveaway): Udderly Unstoppable vs. Demolition
** Match selected by TheDantemoon

2946. Tag Team Championship Tag Team Match: The Goons vs. Acrotchalypse Now (c)
** created by gohls_official.