SGWF Paragons - Feb-06 2024 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

7043. Internet Battle Royal: Jesse vs. Claire Redfield vs. Alice Wright vs. Dante Moon vs. The Teacher vs. Candy Mandy vs. Eden White vs. Mariah Iako

7044. Tag Team #1C Semi A: Froggeh & Redfield vs. The Poutine Pounders

7045. Canadian #1C Match B: Psycho Mantis vs. Bruce Rockwell vs. Coolidge

7046. Tag Team #1C Semi A: Coo & Oyl vs. The Dominion

7047. SGWF #1C Match C: Eldrin the Butcher vs. Rock vs. Fantom vs. Toomas Wolfridge
Stipulations: Steel Cage

7048. Hello Kitty #1C Elims Match B: Trish DiBiase vs. Baby Firefly vs. S1nister vs. The Baker
Stipulations: Extreme Rules, Falls Count Anywhere

7049. Tag Team #1C Semi B: The Nasty Boys vs. Sugar 'n Spice

7050. Tag Team #1C Semi B: Seek and Destroy vs. Sugar 'n Spice

7051. SGWF #1C Match C: Rusla vs. Alexia Nguyen vs. Spider Dijon vs. Lilith Coo
Stipulations: Steel Cage

7052. Hello Kitty #1C Match B: Mighty Mite vs. Sephiroht vs. Vincent Johnson vs. Blob
Stipulations: Extreme Rules, Falls Count Anywhere

7053. Women's Internet Championship Match: -- No Spoilers --