SGWF Nova - Feb-03 2025 (Match History)
Match History:
Scheduled Matches
8187. Singles Match: Marshall Magnum vs. Dr. Jake Hill8188. Singles Match: Kentucky Dave vs. Marcus "Diamond" Azul
8189. Singles Match: Blitz Creeg vs. Tough Guy Tim Doogan
8190. Singles Match: White Lily vs. The Teacher
8191. Singles Match: Mighty Mite vs. Capt. Spaulding
8192. Singles Match: Big Bad Bobby D vs. Marko Vujovic
8193. Singles Match: Arlandy vs. Eden White
8194. Singles Match: Candy Mandy vs. Lilith Knight
8195. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Alex Samuels vs. Trish DiBiase vs. Furious Frankie
8196. Elimination Chamber Match: The Baker vs. Candy Mandy vs. Maddie Hunter vs. Olive Oyl vs. Furious Frankie vs. Ali Morgan