Soul Eaters ()

Tag Finisher: Electric Chair/Bulldog combo
Entrance: Lack of Humanity
Total Combined Weight: 660 lbs

Match Results (Last 35 Days)

No matches in last 35 days.

Title History

No titles earned.

Fun Facts

  1. It is unclear why or for what purpose, but they've told us they'll be eating all our souls soon.


No accolades earned yet.

Match Stats

Falls by Member:
Blood Rage: 11 - 17
Sephiroht: 16 - 17

Tag Team: 21-19-4
Win by: Pinfall: 13, Count-Out: 1, Submission: 5, Ladder Clutch: 2
Losses by: Pinfall: 12, Submission: 7
No Falls: 7

Tornado Tag 3-Way (1-fall): 1-3-1
Win by: Pinfall: 1
Losses by: Pinfall: 2, Submission: 1
No Falls: 1

Tornado Tag 3-Way (Elim): 0-3
Eliminated by: Pinfall: 4, Knock Out: 2

Tornado Tag Team: 2-0-0
Win by: Pinfall: 2

Tornado Tag 4-Way (Elim): 0-3
Elims by: Pinfall: 3
Eliminated by: Pinfall: 5, Submission: 1

Match History (All Time)