SGWF Paragons - Apr-27 2021 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

2425. Singles Match: Zynda vs. Ali Morgan

2426. Singles Match: Allure vs. Frozen Queen Elsa

2427. Singles Match: Lita vs. Mischka

2428. Singles Match: Adwoa the Eliminator vs. Crazy

2429. Singles Match: Lilith Knight vs. Lew

2430. Singles Match: The Baker vs. Sarah the Necromancer

2431. Tag Team Match: The Infiltrators vs. The Hit Squad

2432. Singles Match: Roselet vs. Candy Mandy

2433. Women's Poutine Case Match: Quinn vs. Cai (c)

2434. Women's Internet Championship Match: Succubus vs. Alex Samuels (c)

2435. Six-Way (Elim) Match: Madison Windraker vs. Candy Mandy vs. Lady Red vs. Roselet vs. Maddie Hunter vs. Jessica Caine