SGWF Eclipse - Oct-01 2022 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

5482. Six-Way (Best 2 of 3 Falls) Match: Wise vs. The Mechanic vs. Bacon Jacob vs. Freeksho vs. Capt. Spaulding vs. Blitz Creeg

5483. Singles Match: Isabella Ramon vs. Roselet

5484. Tornado Tag Team Match: The Dominion vs. The Think Tank

5485. Singles Match: Sapphire vs. Brummy

5486. Tornado Tag Team Match: Adams & Nguyen vs. The Hit Squad

5487. Triple Threat (Elim) Match: Scurvy Stardust vs. Apollo vs. Vincent Johnson

5488. Four-Way (1-fall) Match: Leeloo Dallas vs. Lita O'Brian vs. The Teacher vs. Lillith Adams