SGWF Nova - Nov-20 2022 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

5715. Internet Battle Royal: Ali Morgan vs. Candy Mandy vs. Alex Samuels vs. The Baker vs. Olive Oyl vs. Melissa Ewing vs. Dani Weaver vs. Isabella Ramon

5716. Singles Match: Sinister Cooper vs. Bacon Jacob

5717. Tornado Tag Team Match: Fight Money vs. The Dominion

5718. Triple Threat (Elim) Match: Blob vs. Chris Redfield vs. WynSum LooSum

5719. Singles Match: Maddie Hunter vs. Sgt. Rosa Rivera

5720. Tornado Tag Team Match: The Poutine Pounders vs. The Dominion

5721. Triple Threat (Elim) Match: Allure vs. Velvet Dove vs. Velvet Assassin

5722. Rivalry Match #5 - Pinfalls Only: Madison Windraker vs. Emma Black
Stipulations: Pinfalls Only
** Emma Black leads the series 3 - 1

5723. Tornado Tag Team (Elim) Match: Baker & DiBiase vs. Knight & Sweet Paw
Stipulations: Tables
** created by DeFacto_Fiasco.

5724. Singles Match: Alice Wright vs. Madison Windraker
Stipulations: Knock-Outs Only
** created by DeFacto_Fiasco.

5725. Internet Championship Match: Scurvy Stardust vs. Dr. Bacon (c)
** created by Scurvydog00.