SGWF Titans - Nov-21 2022 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

5726. Royal Rumble (10) Match: Col. Andres Rivera vs. Stone vs. Scurvy Stardust vs. Elbi Froggeh vs. Devon Fox vs. Mighty Mite vs. Anthony Jindrak vs. Wise vs. Sapphire vs. Owndog
** created by Cukie73.

5727. Debut Match: Bruce Rockwell vs. Ned Flanders

5728. Triple Threat (Best 2 of 3 Falls) Match: Alexia Nguyen vs. Sweet Paw vs. Harley Quinn

5729. Singles Match: Kyle Reed vs. Toasty

5730. Tornado Tag Team Match: Ali Morgan & Candy Mandy vs. Empire of Pain

5731. Triple Threat (Best 2 of 3 Falls) Match: Anthony Jindrak vs. Drift King vs. Dr. Jake Hill

5732. Tornado Tag Team Match: Sugar 'n Spice vs. Meat & Mech

5733. Five-way (Elim) Match: Elbi Froggeh vs. Cowboy Curt Cunningham vs. Toomas Wolfridge vs. Mighty Mite vs. Brummy
Stipulations: Tables

5734. Internet Championship Match: Danny Valentine vs. Scurvy Stardust (c)