SGWF Eclipse - Sep-11 2021 (Match History)
Match History:
Scheduled Matches
3316. Singles Match: Freeksho vs. Ricardo Fernando3317. Tag Team Match: The Hit Squad vs. The Central Committee
3318. Debut Match: Dr. Jake Hill vs. Zoidberg
3319. Singles Match: Olive Oyl vs. Mistress Mjolnir
3320. Tag Team Match: Dance Revolution vs. Faces of Fear
3321. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Elbi Froggeh vs. NapTime vs. Scurvei Doggonev
3322. Poutine Belt Qualification Match: Cowboy Curt Cunningham vs. Blitz Creeg vs. Toasty vs. Marshall Magnum
3323. Women's Universal #1 Contender Semi-Final Match B: Maple Marksman vs. Lita
3324. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: The Teacher vs. Velvet Dove vs. Furious Frankie
3325. Battle Royal Match: Dr. Jake Hill vs. Maxx Strong vs. SerGerrick vs. Nightmare Blackwell vs. Sephiroht vs. BatCow vs. Vincent Johnson vs. Danny Valentine
3326. Chat Room Boss Giveaway: Dr. Jake Hill vs. Hillbilly Jim
** Match selected by ScurvyDog00