SGWF Nova - Nov-27 2022 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

5759. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Damian Jade vs. Devon Fox vs. Blitz Creeg

5760. Singles Match: Cai vs. Lita O'Brian

5761. Tornado Tag Team Match: Sugar 'n Spice vs. Varsity

5762. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Madison Windraker vs. The Teacher vs. Ali Morgan

5763. Singles (Best 2 of 3 Falls) Match: Toomas Wolfridge vs. Marshall Magnum

5764. Singles Match: Olive Oyl vs. Isabella Ramon

5765. Six-Way (Elim) Match: Sephiroht vs. Danny Valentine vs. K.Dangelo vs. Toasty vs. Bacon Jacob vs. Apollo

5766. Internet Battle Royal: Allure vs. Velvet Assassin vs. Alexia Nguyen vs. Trish DiBiase vs. Lillith Adams vs. Rosie Rivera vs. Lilith Coo vs. Maple Marksman

5767. Singles Match: Isabella Ramon vs. Dante Moon
** created by Scurvydog00.

5768. Singles Match: Emma Black vs. Sweet Paw
** created by DeFacto_Fiasco.