SGWF Paragons - Jan-29 2025 (Match History)
Match History:
Scheduled Matches
8169. Singles Match: Dani Weaver vs. Sweet Paw8170. Tag Team Match: RAND: Col. Andres & Stone vs. RAND: Butcher & LightNinG StRiKe
8171. Tag Team Match: RAND: Baby Firefly & Maddie Hunter vs. S1NISTER MOON
8172. Tag Team Match: RAND: Damian Jade & Vincent Johnson vs. RAND: Amari Romaro & LightNinG StRiKe
8173. Singles Match: The Baker vs. Ali Morgan
8174. Singles Match: Lunchbox Linda vs. Ali Morgan
8175. Singles Match: Amari Romaro vs. Big Delicious
8176. Singles Match: Allure vs. Baby Firefly
8177. Singles Match: George Costanza vs. Sebastian Van Cise
8178. Royal Rumble (30) Match:
Alex Samuels
Alexia Nguyen
Ali Morgan
Baby Firefly
The Baker
The Baroness
Candy Mandy
Claire Redfield
Dani Weaver
Dante Moon
Furious Frankie
Isabella Carrie
Isabella Ramon
Jenn Savage
Lady Red
Large Marge
Lilith Coo
Lilith Knight
Maddie Hunter
Maple Marksman
Olive Oyl
Rosie Rivera
Sgt. Rosa Rivera
Sweet Paw
The Teacher
Trish DiBiase
Velvet Assassin
Velvet Dove
The Witch