SGWF Nova - Jul-17 2022 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

5070. Four-Way (Elim) Match: Big Bad Bobby D vs. WynSum LooSum vs. Scurvy Stardust vs. Wise

5071. Singles Match: Lillith Adams vs. Large Marge

5072. Internet Battle Royal: Sweet Paw vs. Olive Oyl vs. Alexia Nguyen vs. Roselet vs. The Teacher vs. Lita O'Brian vs. Velvet Assassin vs. The Baker

5073. Tag Team Match: Hidden Girth vs. The Dominion

5074. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Freeksho vs. Blitz Creeg vs. The Mechanic

5075. King of the Ring Quarter-Final Match B: Mighty Mite vs. Capt. Spaulding

5076. Singles Match: Anthony Jindrak vs. Hawk
** created by Justin_Reside.

5077. Queen of the Ring Quarter-Final Match B: Velvet Dove vs. Dani Weaver

5078. Tornado Tag 4-Way (Elim) Match: Emma & Ramon vs. Knight & Frankie vs. Lunchbox & Baker vs. Sweet & Teacher
Stipulations: Knock-Outs Only
** created by DeFacto_Fiasco.