SGWF Nova - Jun-26 2022 (Match History)
Match History:
Scheduled Matches
4953. Four-Way (Elim) Match: Maple Marksman vs. Lillith Adams vs. Lunchbox Linda vs. Trish DiBiase4954. Singles Match: Vincent Johnson vs. Owndog
4955. Internet Battle Royal: Velvet Dove vs. The Teacher vs. Emma Black vs. Alex Samuels vs. Madison Windraker vs. Allure vs. Velvet Assassin vs. Ali Morgan
4956. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Easy vs. Anthony Jindrak vs. Drift King
4957. Tag Team Match: Nevermore vs. Sugar 'n Spice
4958. Four-Way (Elim) Match: Bacon Jacob vs. Toomas Wolfridge vs. Big Bad Bobby D vs. Eldrin the Butcher
4959. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Isabella Ramon vs. Emma Black vs. Madison Windraker
Stipulations: Hell in a Cell
** created by Froggeh2.
4960. Singles Match: Dr. Jake Hill vs. Scurvy Stardust
** created by BigBadBobbyD.