SGWF Eclipse - Dec-10 2022 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

5839. Royal Rumble (20) Match: Adwoa the Eliminator vs. Alexia Nguyen vs. Ali Morgan vs. Alice Wright vs. Allure vs. The Baker vs. Cai vs. Dante Moon vs. Emma Black vs. Isabella Ramon vs. Lilith Knight vs. Maddie Hunter vs. Madison Windraker vs. Maple Marksman vs. Melissa Ewing vs. Sgt. Rosa Rivera vs. Sweet Paw vs. The Teacher vs. Trish DiBiase vs. Velvet Dove
** created by Froggeh2.

5840. Singles Match: Dr. Jake Hill vs. Sinister Cooper

5841. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Harley Quinn vs. Isabella Ramon vs. Melissa Ewing

5842. Rivalry Match #5 - Submissions Only: Velvet Dove vs. Sweet Paw
Stipulations: Submissions Only
** Series tied 2 - 2.

5843. Tornado Tag Team Match: Empire of Pain vs. The Poutine Pounders

5844. Singles Match: Cai vs. Lita O'Brian

5845. Triple Threat (1-fall) Match: Wise vs. Damian Jade vs. Chris Phoenix

5846. Internet Battle Royal: Apollo vs. WynSum LooSum vs. Kyle Reed vs. Jackson Payne vs. Danny Valentine vs. Devon Fox vs. Elbi Froggeh vs. Sephiroht

5847. Tornado Tag Team Match: Sugar 'n Spice vs. Nevermore
Stipulations: Hell in a Cell

5848. Rivalry Match #1 - Steel Cage: Emma Black vs. Alex Samuels
Stipulations: Steel Cage
** Series tied 0 - 0.