SGWF Paragons - Jun-14 2022 (Match History)

Scheduled Matches

4893. Internet Battle Royal: Jackson Payne vs. Vincent Johnson vs. Dr. Bacon vs. The Mechanic vs. Danny Valentine vs. Scurvy Stardust vs. Cowboy Curt Cunningham vs. Elbi Froggeh

4894. Tag Team Match: CoBros vs. The Poutine Pounders

4895. Four-Way (Elim) Match: Allure vs. Emma Black vs. Maple Marksman vs. Lunchbox Linda

4896. Four-Way (Elim) Match: Freeksho vs. Sinister Cooper vs. K.Dangelo vs. Owndog

4897. Tag Team Match: The Think Tank vs. The Hit Squad

4898. Internet Battle Royal: Isabella Ramon vs. Dani Weaver vs. Sgt. Rosa Rivera vs. Olive Oyl vs. Lillith Adams vs. Ali Morgan vs. Maddie Hunter vs. Velvet Assassin

4899. Four-Way (Elim) Match: Eldrin the Butcher vs. Mighty Mite vs. WynSum LooSum vs. Blob

4900. Four-Way (Elim) Match: Melissa Ewing vs. Roselet vs. Trish DiBiase vs. Lilith Knight

4901. Four-Way (Elim) Match: Sephiroht vs. Stone vs. Toasty vs. Hawk

4902. Women's Internet Championship Match: Isabella Ramon vs. Velvet Dove (c)

4903. Internet Championship Match: Vincent Johnson vs. Blitz Creeg (c)