Deactivated Roster (Rosters) Singles Competitors AJ LeeAJ OmegaAbbadonAda WongAdwoa the EliminatorAlexa BlissAlice WrightAlpha ReaperAmber AndrewsAmy WongAngelina di ForteAngelo di ForteAnimalAnnah DawnnApolloApril O'NeillAriannaAsukaBabos BeefcakeBaby RankstaBacon JacobBatCowBatistaBatmanBeverly DynamiteBianca BelairBillie KayThe Blackhole BanditBlood RageBluffyzsBraun StrowmanBrie BellaBrummyBrutus BeefcakeCacie EdgewoodCaiCalypsoCandice LeRaeCapt. BurnoutCapt. MarvelCassidy JamesChains JohnsonCharlotte FlairThe ChickenChris PhoenixChun LiCobra CommanderCoolidgeCover GirlCowpoke BatCowCrazyD.VaDakota KaiDamien CruzDanny ValentineThe Dark KnightDavid WolfeDawn ParsonsDazzling Moon DaisyDemon King Elijah JonesDemon Tin ManDemonRisacaDennis ExtremeDestroDiana JonesDiana WonderDieselDominusDr. DoomDr. MindbenderDravenDrift KingDukeEasyEh-BombElbi FroggehElektraElizaveta UsovEllie the ElfElviraEmma BlackEmperor SerpentorEve the PrototypeFrank N SteinFreddy KruegerFreekshoFrozen Queen ElsaGabriel SlayThe Ghost KnightGreg ValentineGrimmHannah FinchHarley QuinnHawkHawkHeather GreyHillbilly JimHulk HoganInfernoThe Iron YuppieIsaac SmokeJC MartinezJRJackson PayneJakeJason VoorheesJazzy QTJeffy's DadJericho VegaJesseJessica CaineJimmy HartJinxJunkyard DogK.DangeloKairi SaneKarnageKaycee TurnerK'eh'Lo'QKyle ReedLady AgonyLady JayeLeeloo DallasLevistusLewLillith AdamsLitaLita O'BrianLorhanaMacho ManMadison WindrakerMagnus the Viking KingMandy RoseMariah IakoMatthew NorthMaxx StrongThe MechanicMelissa EwingMischkaMiss GatorcrocMistress CownirMistress MjolnirMolotov CocktailMomMr. Body MassageMr. Fix ItMr. FujiMr. PerfectNFNapTimeNatalyaNia JaxNighthawkNightmare BlackwellNikki BellaOne Eye WillieOwndogPaigePercy Mochaccino IIIPeter GriffinPeyton RoycePhoenix TanakahashiPlex RomeroPsycho MantisPsylockeQuinnReckless RufusRedwolfReese OmegaRic FlairRicardo FernandoRoadblockRockRogueRoseletRowdy Roddy PiperRuckusRuinstriderRuslaRustic ThorSakura KaiSapphireSarah the NecromancerSargeThe SargeScarlettThe Scruffy DruidScurvei DoggonevScurvy StardustSephirohtSerGerrickSinister CooperSlam WilliamsSnake-EyesSonya DeVilleSpace UnicornSpider DijonSpider-ManSporty SpiceStan the Angry SantaStarlordStorm ShadowStuart KeaneSuccubusSuzie MachinaSvetlana BorochievThe SwingerSylvanasTed DiBiaseTeddy KingThomas the TankTomaxTrish StratusTuxedo MaskUccisoraUncle TedThe UndertakerVenomVenomViolet RavenWiseWolfpacWolverineWynSum LooSumXamotXortz the GoblinYuzeZartanZoidbergZynda Tag Teams -- NEW TAG TEAM --Acrotchalypse NowAdams & NguyenAlex Samuels & Lunchbox LindaAlexia & LunchboxAlexiaN & BakerAli Morgan & Candy MandyAli Morgan & JesseAllure-Sweet Paw-RavenAlpha FlightApollo & Mr. Fix ItThe BackwoodsmenThe Bad GirlsBaker & DiBiaseBaker & Velvet DoveThe Bella TwinsBirds of PreyThe Black FlagThe Blade RunnersBlitz & BurnoutBlob & Dark KnightBlob & Van CiseBlue ThunderBobby-Fox-SpauldingThe BolsheviksThe Bone CollectorsThe Boom SquadBreak YouBreak You RedBrothers of DestructionThe Butchers from BelowCai & Madison WindrakerThe Can-Am ConnectionCandy CrushThe Central CommitteeThe Central CommitteeChains & DemonRThe Chick MagnetsChun-Li & Dazzling Moon DaisyCoBrosThe Cobra HegemonyColAndres-Rockwell-RedfieldThe CorporationCovert OpsCowboy & MagnumCowboy & StardustCowboy & VujovicCreeg & SephirohtCreeg-Azul-BaconThe Crimson TwinsThe CultCunningham-Magnum-VanCiseD.Va & Harley QuinnDDT & Marcus AzulDance RevolutionDarkKnight-Jindrak-StoneDemolitionDevil's RejectsDevon Fox & StoneDisciples of DarknessThe DominionDoomDouble RainbowsThe Dream TeamEden & TrishElbi & EldrinElbi & NighthawkEldrin & FreekshoEmma & RamonEmma Black & Velvet DoveEmpire of PainEmpire of PainEve & Dante MoonEve & Sweet PawExtra Fried CrispyFaces of FearFight MoneyFight Money & Central ComFight Money & Melissa Ewing & Olive OylFire & DesireFrankie FurtersFrankie-SgtRosa-DoveFreaky DFreeksho & SpauldingFroggeh & JindrakFroggeh & RedfieldFrozen Ice QueensFrozen Queen Elsa & Molotov CocktailGlorious & DeliciousThe GoonsGrim NightsThe GrindersH & B ConnectionThe Hart FoundationHarvesters of SorrowHidden GirthHigh VoltageThe Hit SquadThe Hit SquadThe IiconicsThe InfiltratorsJackie & JesseThe Jaded PitbullsJindrak & BlitzThe JoesK'eh'Lo'Q & PhoenixKD & MagnumKD & OwnDogThe Kabuki WarriorsKnight & FrankieLady Red & Maddie HunterLady Red & ZyndaLarge Marge & EwingLean & MeanLillith Adams & DaniLita O'Brian & Sweet PawLunchbox & BakerLunchbox-Firefly-BakerMagximum RiveraThe MassHolesMeat & MechThe Mechanic & XortzMidnight MistressesThe MisfitsMorgan-Oyl-KnightMystery Team BMystery Team CMystery Team GNES Pro WrestlersThe Nasty BoysNevermoreThe Night LifeThe OwnersThe Pac AttackPayne & SpauldingPower and GloryPretty DeadlyPrime Time PlayersQueen Anne & Dance RevQueen Anne's RevengeQueen Anne's RevengeQueen Anne's Revenge & Dance RevolutionRAND: 5 Minute Majors & Full Body PressRAND: Alexia Nguyen & Isabella CarrieRAND: Allure & Sweet PawRAND: Angelina di Forte & ArlandyRAND: Angelina di Forte & Maple MarksmanRAND: Angelina di Forte & ScarlettRAND: Angelina di Forte & SylvanasRAND: Angelo di Forte & Mr. Body MassageRAND: Azul & EldrinRAND: Baby Firefly & CooRAND: Baby Firefly & Velvet DoveRAND: Big Bad Bobby D & FantomRAND: Bobby & FlandersRAND: Brummy & Damian JadeRAND: Brummy & KarnageRAND: Candy / FireflyRAND: Chris Redfield & SephirohtRAND: Claire Redfield & Sarka RoseRAND: Coo & OylRAND: DDT & VujovicRAND: Damian Jade & Tough Guy Tim DooganRAND: Dani Weaver & ZaranaRAND: Dante & DIBiaseRAND: Dante & SamuelsRAND: Dante Moon & Eden WhiteRAND: Dante Moon & Velvet DoveRAND: DarkKnight & RedfieldRAND: Destro & ZoidbergRAND: Diamond & DiamondRAND: Dove & WeaverRAND: Family & di Forte & Mr. Body MassageRAND: Finch & OylRAND: Freeksho & SephirohtRAND: Gabriel Slay & Ned FlandersRAND: Jindrak & JohnsonRAND: Johnson & FordRAND: Karnage & Sora KimuraRAND: Karnage & Vincent JohnsonRAND: King Diamond Dave Tolos & Mighty MiteRAND: Knight & RoseRAND: Knight & Sweet PawRAND: Large Marge & RedfieldRAND: Large Marge & Velvet DoveRAND: Magnum & ZoidbergRAND: Maple & MaddieRAND: Maple Marksman & Violet RavenRAND: Marksman & RoseRAND: Marksman & ZaranaRAND: Marshall Magnum & Mighty MiteRAND: Marshall Magnum & Teddy KingRAND: Morgan & SavageRAND: Nguyen & RedfieldRAND: Ramon & SamuelsRAND: Samuels & WeaverRAND: Sarka Rose & Maddie HunterRAND: Sephiroht & StoneRAND: Sweet & SarkaRAND: Sweet Paw & Maple MarksmanRAND: The Baker & Maple MarksmanRAND: The Baroness & Lilith CooRAND: Velvet Dove & Diana WonderRAND: Weaver & WongRAND: Witch & BorochievRAND: Witch & LindaRAND: di Forte & SpauldingThe Rainbow RidersRamon-Marge-DanteRand: Knight / SamuelsRand: Marge/BakerRand: VelvAss / SavageRed VelvetRedfield-Marksman-HunterThe RedfieldsRedwolf & The SargeThe Road WarriorsRock & Roll MadnessRock HardRufus & Tin ManS1nister & Lilith CooSavagely StonedScotland YardScurvei & FreekshoSeek and DestroySephiroht & SlamSephiroht-Fantom-EldrinSgt.Rivera & Lady RedSin City VixensSoul EatersSpecial OpsSteel HorseStone & MechanicStone & SwingerSugar 'n Spice 'n MarvelSweet & TeacherSweet OylSweet SensationsTeacher & Olive OylTeam FrenemiesTeam RockersTell No TalesThe Think TankThose GuysThe ThrillseekersToasty-KD-JohnsonUdderly UnstoppableVarsityVarsity ClubVelveteen ViolenceThe Vicious CircleVicious MoonVujovic-DDT-MiteThe Warriors TwoWeaver-DiBiase-AssassinWille & FreekshoWindraker-Adwoa-WhiteXortz & Toasty